Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Deep Throat Revealed?

Vanity Fair claims to know the true identity of the inside source for Woodward and Bernstein known as Deep Throat.

I secretly hope that it's someone else. Something about having B & W reveal his name only after his death seemed right. This is just too close to the world of 24 hour news for me.

Yes, Topor, American Whig Party does discuss the No-Knowings, and at great length. Alas, I've had to put the book down. I'm trying to write - the deadline looms and, like Rob I feel a deep need to move on to the next stage of life.

Words Written: most of the way through comments made by my advisor (may he live forever) on a possible journal article submission. Having made said corrections, I'll mail it out.
Lessons Graded: eight graded, seven others failed for guess what...


Greg said...

I have to admit, my knowledge of US political history is somewhat lacking.

Who are the Know-Knowings, and what is their connection, if any, to the Know-Nothing Party?

TeacherRefPoet said...

seven out of fifteen. yuck.

About to start my last batch of the year. Have gone all year with no plagiarists on major assignments (one kid plagiarized a speech). Hoping to finish clean.

torporindy said...

Cool, I teach a labor history class on the side (ok, community college, let's not get too excited) and I spend quite a bit of time covering the "know-nothings". It would be nice to have more material, so maybe I'll check it out of the library.