Thursday, February 24, 2005

tests of cerebral fitness

It snowed last night and is still snowing. This is typical of Indiana winter; just when a proper layer of mud has formed over everything, winter sends us a last gasp. Sam's disgust is palpable.

I fell off the writing bandwagon, though I have taken lots of notes and put post-its on various useful pages. I even found a few bits for Chapter Two. Grading awaits - after all, I'm still a working girl. (That's Professor W.G!)

A shout of encouragement and a box of Tagalongs to Rob at Chesterley who begins phase two of his doctoral qualifying exams tomorrow. Remember, they don't have to be perfect, you just need to pass.

Note to self: the same can be said of dissertations.

(Tagalongs are the Girl Scout cookies with the chocolate outside and the peanut butter inside)

Words Written: zero (groan)
Lessons Graded: forty
Books on Floor: twelve

1 comment:

Rob said...

Lemming - thanks for the vote of encouragement!

I've been saving my second box of Tagalongs for this weekend. Also, my sister sent me A PIZZA from Chicago. Good for the brain...not good for the body. But I'm more concerned about the brain at the moment.

I don't think that taking notes on reading equates 'falling off the writing bandwagon.' Everything you do is some form of progress. Good luck to you!