Friday, February 04, 2005


Yes, I went. Yes, it was an amazing talk. Yes, the party was terrific. Alas, #3 and #4 were not in attendence, so I was unable to casually ask what they thought of Chapter Two.

I had about ten minutes with the scholar, during which I managed to blurt out a detailed yet brief summary of Chapter Two, the problems with Ralph, and my latest productive writing. Scholar asked a question or two, admired my argument (!!) then asked if I'd tried contacting a particular archive.

Why, no, I hadn't. (I'd thought of asking my advisor [may he live forever] if he had any ideas how to approach the archive, but thought I'd wait to get a reply to my last two messages before sending a third.)

Well, then, I should e-mail Name of Actual Person, mention that said scholar sent me, and ask about Ralph and his friends. Scholar hoped I would keep in touch about how the search went. Woo-hoo!

Words Written: two hundred and six
Lessons Graded: twenty-one (early in the AM so as to attend the festivities)

1 comment:

Joe said...

Most excellent!