Wednesday, September 28, 2005

malfunctioning wardrobe

I face a wardrobe dilemma. Tomorrow I have blocked off ten-twelve hours of quality time to be spent with my microfilm. OK, it's Banned Books Week and so I really should recognize that the microfilm truly belongs to the larger university community or, more specifically, the history collections people who paid for it. It's still mine.

I digress.

The microfilm reading area is among the least attractive and more poorly lit rooms in a library that is already rather dreary and dark. If I'm going to be crouched over a dusty microfilm reader all day, I want to do it in jeans and a sweatshirt. Here lies the wardrobe problem: my advisor (may he live forever) is taking me out to lunch at a reasonably nice restaurant. I could wear jeans in a pinch, but not a t or sweat shirt. I could also bring a change of clothes in my bag, but that would cut down on the number of library books that I can carry.

On a more random note, a secondary definition for the word "diligence" is a public stagecoach, esp. used in France [1745]

Words Written: seven hundred-ish
Lessons Graded: three
Books on Floor: forty-three


Joe said...

Congratulations. By getting this microfilm, you (and the history collections and the university at large) have made these documents a little less "banned". :-)

Why is it that the microfilm is _always_ in the crummiest part of the library? It's like we're trying to hide the dark family secret. If we're going to go that way, we ought to go whole hog... make it a formal-dress-only speakeasy. Take the secret staircase, knock four times, and tell them Mel sent you...

tommyspoon said...

Here we go again...

You could go with a nice pair of jeans, a blouse and a fetching blazer. Or, you could pair the jeans with a very nice light sweater set. Alternatively, you could try jeans with a halter top and that fetching blazer.

No need to thank me. Really. You'll receive my bill later...

JR said...

Hmmm. I like the speakeasy idea. Kids would be dying to get into the library because it would be the cool place to be. Sort of like how Starbucks glamorized coffee. The microfilm section could be 21 and up.

Hugh said...

I am still trying to remember wat story it was that I read in one of my French classes that someone shouted for "la diligence", referring to a horse-drawn carriage.

torporindy said...

I read Lolita during banned book week.