Wednesday, June 27, 2012

clean the fan

Lemming Headquarters is still pretty cool, thanks to temps in the lows 60s last night. I'm holding off on turning on the fans as long as I can, so as to enjoy the quiet. The dog is still sleeping (a very vigilant sleeping, of course, as he's on duty at all times)on the carpet as opposed to the tiled floor of the bathroom that will soon be his primary domicile.

I love summer, but I hate the heat. Check that: I hate the heat when I know I'll have the air conditioning off out of necessity. People cannot fathom why I am doing this, even as I'm told that I need to cut expenses and spend only on the important areas of life.

I feel guilty about bringing a dog with a heavy coat into a summer like this, but he's young and I can cool him down with a bath if need be. I wonder if I can borrow a kiddie wading pool from someplace and see what he thinks.


edj3 said...

A kiddie pool is a great idea; and maybe get some doggy clippers and trim down his coat? He'll look a little silly (OK maybe more than a little), but it might really help him stay cooler.

You stay cool too, my friend.

indianapolis air conditioning said...

A kiddie pool is a great idea; and maybe get some doggy clippers and trim down his coat? He'll look a little silly (OK maybe more than a little), but it might really help him stay cooler.