Tuesday, December 29, 2009

funniest prose all year

Anthony Lane, reviewing Earth and High Heaven by Gwethalyn Graham, a best-seller from 1945

And so to no. 9. I have a problem with No. 9. I cannot read it. God knows, I have tried. I have downed three straight whiskeys and then tried to read it. I have leapt clean and sober from a cold shower, grabbed the book, and, standing upright, started to read it out loud. But the same thing always happened: I buckled like a puppet and fell asleep.

from Nobody's Perfect pages 394-395


Ron Griggs said...

I've always had this experience with "Gone with the Wind" (both book and movie.) I'll never need a sorporific as long as that book is in print.

Jeanne said...

Anatomy of Melancholy works better for me.

Tracie said...

This almost makes me want to pick up the book in question and find out if it has the same effect on me.


Marginalia said...

I so agree: lovely prose - so much better than the work being critiqued.

Out of dross: gold